Mental Health Matters is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England no. 01786914. Registered charity no. 514829.
If you need to contact MHM please call: 0191 516 3500
If you live under East Durham/Easington you need to call: 07484 061 688
Mental Health Matters (MHM) is a national charity with over 35 years of experience in delivering high-quality mental health and social care services. MHM has a hugely positive impact on the lives of people living with mental health needs in our local communities. We provide services across England, led by a highly motivated and enthusiastic workforce who are committed to delivering the best quality services to those in need of support.
Our values are at the core of everything we do:
– We work for social inclusion.
– We believe in the possibility of recovery even within lifelong mental illness.
– We support health equality across the whole community.
– We are positively engaged in influencing policy decisions relating to mental health issues at national and local levels.
– We believe that individuals gain strength and influence by sharing experience and knowledge.
– We will challenge any stigma and promote positive attitudes to mental health.
– We support people’s right to choice, self-determination, adult responsibility and release from stigma.
– We are a thoughtful and caring employer and service provider, embracing change.
We believe that, with the right personalised support, anyone with a mental health need can live the life they want to live. It is our vision that everyone gets the personalised services and support they need. To make this vision a reality, our mission is to help people achieve good physical and mental wellbeing and live life to the full.
We strive to achieve our mission through four key areas:
Our Talking Matters (IAPT) services deliver psychological (talking) therapies.
Our Community Matters teams provide a wide range of community-based services from employment support, to supported housing and crisis services.
Our Support Matters team provides a range of helplines, webchat, and text support services.
Our Learning & Development team bring their practical understanding of mental health to the classroom, delivering mental health training to a range of organisations.
We support more than 15,500 people every month to access treatment and achieve their recovery goals, and we are always seeking to develop and expand our services to reach more people in need. We believe that, with the right personalised support, anyone with a mental health need can live the life they want to live.
Our support in Durham
Mental Health Matters have a wealth of experience in supporting the Durham community, having delivered services across the area for a number of years.
Our experienced Employment Recovery Workers will be delivering employment support across County Durham to individuals with mental health concerns that are furthest away from the labour market. IPS (Individual Placement and Support) supports people with severe mental health difficulties into employment. It involves intensive, individual support, a rapid job search followed by placement in paid employment, and time-unlimited in-work support for both the employee and the employer.
All adults across the county who are experiencing difficulties finding or remaining in work as a result of their mental health difficulties can come to us for help and support. Where IPS is not suitable we will work with other Alliance partners to source other types of support, this may include volunteering or training in preparation for work in the longer term.
Can be made by anyone through the Alliance using the referral methods. There may be a waiting list but we will prioritise this people whose needs are greatest or signpost you to somebody else who could help. If you live in East Durham, you will need to refer separately to MHM here: MHM Easington