Personal Development Service (Women) – offering women a range of educational, vocational, social and preventative services including counselling, advocacy, befriending and drop in facilities (Drop in – venue based group/peer support no appointment required open door policy).
Bereavement Support Service – providing support to those that have suffered bereavement. Through the provision of advice, information counselling delivered by trained volunteers. To also raise the awareness of the needs of bereaved people and promote their interests.
Pact House Stanley – Think Positive Service
Drop-in – (venue based group/peer support no appointment required) providing Group Based support services for service users, to support and promote their recovery and positive emotional wellbeing. This service is available to people with mental health difficulties. Counselling sessions available to individuals referred by a social worker/care coordinator.
Relationship Support – providing a service across County Durham which aims to improve relationship skills and support individuals and groups to improve their relationships across a range of topic areas including psycho-sexual therapy.
Welfare Rights
Delivering a specialist and client-centred welfare rights advice service to service users whose access to benefits or specific welfare benefit problems are having an adverse effect on their mental health.